Sunday, May 27, 2012

EPIC FAIL - Scotch Tape Multi-Color Nail Fail

I've never been good at painting my nails.  I've always left my toes to the professionals and as you can see, while I'm a "cute enough" woman, I have very ugly hands.  Therefore I've always left my nails blank and I usually let my hands bask in all their ugly glory! Haha! I saw all the cool Pinterest nail art and I figured for someone who is a sloppy nail painter with ugly finger nails, I wonder what the end result would look like if I tried that? So here it is.

I went to Sally Beauty supply and dropped $50 on 4 China Glaze colors, a couple discount colors, and Orly top and bottom coats.  This was WAY more than I was expecting to spend.  If I'm going to spend this much time on my nails I'd like the color to last more than a day (So I figured I got the right stuff).  I also thought to myself...self, practice makes perfect so for this obscene about of money (in my humble cheapskate opinion considering I never spend ANY money on my ugly little finger nails), I might as well practice a couple times.

First I tried to take off all the oil on my finger nails with nail polish remover per the Sally Beauty Supply lady.  I washed my hands and dried thoroughly.  Then I applied Orly Bottom Coat Bonder and then let it dry.

THEN I did two tones, one in a cheap discount Sally Hanson yellow and the other in the China Glaze turquoise.  Then I let it dry (or at least I thought I did!)

Then I applied the middle color, a dark blue China Glaze.  Then let dry.  At this point I didn't think it looked TOO bad! 

I applied the scotch tape and wrapped it around my fingers (I forgot to secure near the edge of my finger nails though...) 

Then I painted pink! No, my 8 year old sister did not paint my nails here.  Yes, I painted them myself ! (Sad, I know).  I have no shame in my game though, you can see my funky nail painting job and feel free to laugh because I know I did!

Once the pink dried (at least I thought it did), I peeled off the tape expecting to just clean up the sides with nail polish remover.  However, what happened next was unsalvageable.  

The cheap yellow peeled off in places.  The Pink China Glaze was waxy and even though it felt dry it bubbled, rippled and peeled off in places too.  The colors I chose didn't exactly go well together and my tape strips seemed to be too big for the look I was going for.  So I removed it all and started over with something more simple.  

I just did pink with some white lines.  I let everything dry thoroughly this time! But then it chipped off less than 8 hours later.  

I plan on returning all of the nail polish (except the final sale discount ones) because while it ended up looking really ugly from user failure (aka my fault), I shouldn't have to pay that much for nail polish that does not stay on longer than a day.  I'm going to try to find some OPI nail polish (I think that is some of the best) and just get one or two colors and practice learning how to paint my nails to begin with before I attempt a wacky crazy design again.

The end result may not have been what I was looking for, but... I HAD FUN TRYING!!! The experience gave me a lot of laughs, hope it gave you some too.

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